Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today is day three of my Diet Fit plan and I am still trying to figure out how to eat at LEAST 35 grams of fiber a day. The IT manager asked what I was referring to when I said, "I'm doing the fiber thing" and he asked if I was writing about "thick poop" and how could I respond but in my own smartass manner of, "Yes, I'm writing about big turds."

Okay, I know that is enough potty talk for the day. My biggest worry about the fiber portion is that I am not going to have accurate findings and I am also famished, which tends to mess up any hope of lasting weight loss because my body will go into starvation mode. My metabolism and thyroid (what remains) is already totally messed up so I need not further destroy this basic bodily function. I've had a waffle with jam, two cups of coffee and an apple. I guess I better aim for a fiber rich lunch today so I don't come home and scarf down food like a Kurdish refugee.

So just how am I going to solve this issue? Eat paper? Buy expensive Fiber One bars? Depend on cereal that despite the claims of it being filling, it leaves me with my stomach grumbling what I am certain are the words, "Feed me, I'm starving"? I asked Diane at the gym last night and she said steel cut oats were the way to go. My manager suggested adding chia seeds to a smoothie. I am starting to feel as though I should have a feed bag.

So on I trudge with determination and a growling stomach.....

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