It's Saturday and I did not go to yoga. I just didn't have it in me to roll out of bed at 6:30. The snow overnight was certainly a factor as was the snuggly comforter. It's now a matter of knocking down the "to-do" list and feeling accomplished before heading out to a party.
My yoga instructor continually tells us that there is no perfect pose other than corpse pose where the level of clear headedness and relaxation allows the mind and body to drift off to sleep. I struggle with the art of relaxation. I have always remarked that it was a wise decision to never pick up smoking, not only because I have asthma but due to my inability to simply sit and chill.
While others can sink into a plush sofa, remote in hand and not analyze every detail of the day, I sit at my laptop and plunk it out in type. It is why I am here at this moment on a snowy March afternoon. I am trying to gather my thoughts, make sense of them and make the most of my weekend.
I recently received a promotion and with that comes additional responsibility. I am still working through what the future will hold with my children and the life I provide them. Of course, my mind and heart are always with Mom and what quality of life she will have when she is released from rehabilitation.
In the meantime, I compile my list and scratch things off as I get them completed. I will go see Mom, I will clean my apartment, I will go grocery shopping and I will go to my friend's house and share a laugh and a drink or two. My life is like anyone with a series of hills and valleys, but I do know I am blessed and that is what finally allows the gears to stop grinding at night when my head hits the pillow.
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